information about the Wayfinder Experience


The Wayfinder Experience’s Blog

Learn all about the different pages of our blog here.

Story Board

Wayfinder’s Story Board

The Story Board is a very important part of our infrastructure. They are the people who read, review and decide on which Adventure Games will be run throughout the year.  (For info on how to submit an Adventure Game for review, please scroll to the bottom of the page.)  The current board members are…


Mike Phillips (he/him)

Mike graduated from SUNY New Paltz with a BA in digital media production with a focus in film. When he’s not on set, or teaching Film at the Woodstock Day School, he is our Offseason Story Coordinator, insuring excellent Games for our One Day Adventures. He is also a prolific Adventure Game writer and member of our Story Board. 




Jack Warren (he/they/she) 

Jack has been writing and running Adventure Games since they were 13 years old. When they aren’t having fun at camp or building worlds filled with magical pirates and angsty robots, Jack loves watching and making movies. They graduated with a film degree from Wesleyan University in 2020.






Dylan Scott (he/him)

Dylan Scott is a game designer and performer living in the Hudson Valley. He started going to Wayfinder when he was twelve and has written or contributed to over a dozen Adventure Games for the Wayfinder Experience since then. He has a degree in literature and drama from Bennington College. He loves history, D&D, sci-fi, fantasy, and other nerdy stuff.





 Kal Muste (they/them)

Kal Muste has been part of the Wayfinder community since 2011 and began writing and running larps in 2015. At camp they may also be found building things in production or teaching in workshop, and outside of Wayfinder they work as a production technician at the Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center in Troy, NY.







Milo Duclayan (he/they)

Milo is a New York City based game designer and writer, who works in all facets of the game medium. Milo has been coming to Wayfinder since they were 8 years old and has a soft spot for day camp Adventure Games. They are currently studying for a Game Design degree with an interactive narrative minor at Champlain College. When they’re not working, they’re often reading or playing a game, or watching the stars.





Check out the Story Board Blog for all the latest on what games are being played, how to submit a game, and advice on how to write a game. Email the Story Board at

Photo Galleries

Wayfinder’s Photo Galleries

Check out our albums on FaceBook

Event Positions & Job Responsibilities

Event Positions & Job Responsibilities

The following positions may not be available for all summer camp offerings. Specialty summer camps may have different requirements for hire. These requirements will be communicated during the hiring process.

Table of Contents

  1. Head Counselor
  2. Counselors
  3. Community Leader
  4. Event Director
  5. Story
  6. Workshop
  7. Wardrobe
  8. Sets & Props
  9. Game Systems
  10. Medical Wellness
  11. Volunteers

Head Counselor


  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work. Check in with office regarding administrative tasks.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Participate in registration at direction of Administration.
  • Participate in bunk assignments with Event Director and Office.
  • Schedule counselors for wake up and late night duties. Two counselors should be assigned to each; schedule is at discretion of Head Counselor and Event Director.
  • Keep open communication with Event Director about the general wellness of the event.
  • Work with Medical Wellness to ensure the overall well-being and safety of all.
  • Be prepared to mentor, supervise and evaluate Apprentices and/or Counselors and/or Community Leaders during the event.
  • Perform all Counselor duties (see below).
  • Be prepared to take part in the live action role play Adventure Game.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.
  • Schedule and run Counselor meetings in coordination with Event Director.
  • Complete other tasks at discretion of Event Director.



  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for the first Staff Meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Be prepared to support workshops.
  • Each counselor will be assigned to a bunk and should be prepared to monitor the wellness of participants residing in that bunk.
  • Responsible for late night and wake up duties
  • Encourage camp spirit through participation and enthusiasm.
  • Be prepared to take part in the live action role play Adventure Game.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.

Event Director


  • Coordinate with Office for event specifics such as times, dates, personnel, emergency information, on-site contacts, or any other specific piece of information needed.
  • Create a schedule for the event, filling workshops with the appropriate teachers. Provide this schedule to staff as soon as possible, but no later than 2 days before the event.
  • Plan a time for an opening Staff Meeting the day of the event. Communicate to all staff and Apprentices the time and location.
  • Coordinate a load in and load out time with production heads. Communicate to all staff and Apprentices times and locations for load ins and load outs.
  • Arrive to load in and load out location ahead of staff and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first Staff Meeting.
  • Be prepared to be the communication hub for the event and all persons involved: staff, participants, land contacts, parents, etc.
  • Check in with all staff members regularly during the event. Make sure that the LARP Adventure Game is progressing in a timely and organized fashion.
  • Coordinate with Head Counselor around wake up and late night.
  • Be prepared to teach workshops.
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to mentor, supervise, and evaluate Apprentices during the event.
  • Be prepared to take part in the live action role play Adventure Game.
  • Be prepared to take responsibility for handling any unexpected developments.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.



  • Communicate to Event Director any schedule requests.
  • Contact the Story Board with questions and concerns.
  • If possible, provide all staff with story background, flows and character sheets before the event.
  • Send production lists to the heads of the specific departments in advance of the event.
  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Arrive to the event with all story elements ready- flow sheets, character sheets, etc. Little preparation should occur at the event itself.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director. Provide the Event Director with an SPC Meeting schedule.
  • Provide a linear and organized story experience, from introduction to SPC meetings to character development.
  • Keep in touch with all department heads and make issues and requests known immediately.
  • Be prepared to teach workshops.
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to mentor, supervise and evaluate a Apprentices during the event.
  • Be prepared to take part in the live action role play Adventure Game.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.

Workshop (Play or Theatre)


  • Get in touch with the Event Director for schedules and workshops.
  • Prepare any workshops for which you are responsible.
  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for the first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to mentor, supervise, and evaluate Apprentices during the event.
  • Be prepared to take part in the LARP Adventure Game.
  • Be prepared to teach during unexpected blocks.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.



  • Receive production lists from Story as soon as possible before the event. Contact necessary persons for coordination of special costuming, patterns, etc.
  • Coordinate a load in and load out time with Event Director.
  • Arrive to load in and load out locations early the day of the event or the day before the event to organize the following items to be taken to the event:
    • All costumes
    • Belts
    • Prosthetics and wigs
    • Jewelry
    • Furs, hats, masks, gloves, headpieces
    • Makeup
  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Be prepared to teach workshops.
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to mentor, supervise and evaluate Apprentices during the event.
  • Be prepared to take part in the LARP Adventure Game.
  • Sign out and sign in all costumes & accessories in use for the game.
  • Ensure that all costumes & accessories are returned in an acceptable condition and washed if necessary.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.

Sets and Props


  • Receive production lists from Story as soon as possible before the event. Contact necessary persons for coordination of special items, materials, etc.
  • Coordinate a load in and load out time with Event Director.
  • Arrive to load in and load out locations early the day of the event or the day before the event to organize items the following items to be taken to the event:
    • Set materials requested by Story
    • All props requested by Story
    • Decorating material
    • Tiki torches and other set light sources
  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Be prepared to teach workshops.
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to mentor, supervise, and evaluate Apprentices during the event.
  • Be prepared to take part in the LARP Adventure Game.
  • Return all materials taken in an orderly fashion and up to the standards of the Office.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.

Game Systems


  • Receive production lists from Story as soon as possible before the event. Contact necessary persons for coordination of special items, materials, etc.
  • Coordinate a load in and load out time with Event Director.
  • Arrive to load in and load out locations early the day of the event or the day before the event to organize the following items to be taken to the event:
    • Weapons (swords, shields, bow & arrows, spears or any special weapons requested by Story)
    • Magic System (unless Story has specifically instructed that there is no magic system needed)
    • CTF materials, including flags, cones and ropes
    • New Games materials such as balls and discs
    • Pouches
    • Spirit costumes
    • Personal light sources
  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Be prepared to teach workshops.
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to mentor, supervise, and evaluate Apprentices during the event.
  • Be prepared to take part in the live action role play Adventure Game.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.

Medical Wellness


  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time unless requested by Office to be early.  Be prepared to work. Pack medical equipment, supplies and medical file box.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Participate in registration to receive all medications and special instructions from parents and to assist with lice checks and general health checks.
  • Speak with Event Director and Head Counselor about any medical issues.
  • Work with the Head Counselor to ensure the overall well-being and safety of all.
  • Responsible for upkeep and administration of all medications and first aid supplies.
  • Responsible for in-game wellness packs where they apply (whistles, lights, etc.).
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to take part in the LARP Adventure Game as much as wellness responsibilities allow.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.



  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for the first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Be prepared to teach workshops.
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to help in any and all aspects of the camp: production, wellness, story, flow management or teaching.
  • Be prepared to take part in the LARP Adventure Game.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.


Wayfinder’s History!

A Company for the Community

One of the most important strengths of The Wayfinder Experience lies within the relationships we have built amongst our staff. They have allowed us to operate in an environment of trust and support, and pass on those ideals to our participants. These relationships began when Wayfinder’s founders were very young, attending a summer camp called the Adventure Game Theatre (AGT).
AGT was run by Howard Moody and Brian Alison, and developed many elements of the programming you see today at The Wayfinder Experience.

Many of our founders learned the ins and outs of improvisational theatre, foam swordplay, and world building during their time as participants at AGT. Growing up within the community they began to suggest ways to improve and develop programming. They started to suggest ideas for more advanced ways to run the LARP Adventure Games and blocks of time that would be built entirely around the ideals of community. Their roles as participants slowly developed into full-time staff positions.

As AGT continued to develop under the guidance of that core staff it became clear that there was a need for transition. The Wayfinder Experience grew out of that need. Centering themselves in the Hudson Valley that group of staff split from AGT and started running programming on their own. As time went forward the community came back together and AGT was absorbed back into the Wayfinder Experience. Having combined the experience and expertise, Wayfinder has been able to offer the best programming possible ever since.

Moving into a new decade, in 2012, Wayfinder found itself in need of new leadership. It was at that time this long standing staff members Corinne McDonald and Trine Boode-Petersen took over ownership and all administrate duties to grow the company. They have been running the Wayfinder Experience along side the now larger administration team much to the betterment of the community and company since.

Mission & Philosophy

Wayfinder’s Mission & Philosophy

Our Mission

Is to create supportive communities for youth that foster personal growth and empowerment through cooperative play and storytelling.

Camp Philosophy

Wayfinder is committed to the idea of learning through active involvement. Our program is designed to encourage outstanding young people to develop a greater purpose in life. This philosophy of experiential education is evident in everything we do.


The Wayfinder Experience is unique. The workshops we run throughout our weeks of camp teach our participants leadership skills, self-awareness, and on the fly decision making. They are then given the chance to practice all of these skills at once through the live action role playing Adventure Game. The Adventure Game is a transformative experience that pushes players physically, mentally and emotionally, while immersing them in an exciting and engaging fantasy world.

We place our emphasis on strategies that help young people learn to make effective use of both their available resources and innate talents in order to tackle the challenge of becoming productive citizens in their own communities. Wayfinder’s many workshops, games, and exercises train participants in:

  • Social interaction
  • Community building
  • Leadership development
  • Improvisation
  • Crisis management

Wayfinder’s camps and events are held in beautiful, natural environments that allow for safe and supportive education, while still giving a space to have some fun in the outdoors. Through Capture the Flag with foam swords and a variety of other physical games, we strive to teach athletic skills that encourage character development, while still providing entertaining experiences. Our physical program built upon non-competitive game theory engages youth in activities that promote cooperation, sportsmanship, and teamwork.

Our outstanding staff serve as positive role models for campers participants. Wayfinder staff members are employed as workshop instructors, summer camp counselors, and community coordinators. We are responsible, friendly, and professional veterans of the live-action role playing entertainment industry, with many years experience dealing with participants of all ages. We love what we do, and we want to share it with the world.

Each staff member works diligently to help foster self-confidence, responsibility, and individual growth for each participant. We help kids and teens push limits while being mindful of boundaries. We take what we do very seriously and go out of our way to make sure that all attendees are safe, comfortable, and happy. Safety is our top priority. All of our summer camp staff undergoes rigorous training to ensure that they can quickly and capably deal with any difficult situation that may arise.

Wayfinder strongly believes that the benefits of our programs and live action role playing continue beyond last-day farewells to form a foundation for a life of adventure, purpose, and lasting friendships.



About The Wayfinder Experience

See our about Wayfinder page.


Wayfinder’s Amazing Staff

About our staff.