Entries by

Hero Fund

The Hero Fund At Wayfinder we believe in the work that we do. Giving children and teenagers a safe, playful place to explore their identity is important, and we’ve dedicated […]


Transformation While there has been a lot of discussion of “creating space” on this blog (and generally is at any Wayfinder event), little focus has been given to what kind […]


Saviors For this week’s blog, I want to get a little more personal than I feel I have in previous entries. Obviously, anything about camp is something highly personal to […]

Tigre Bailando

Transcending Reality with Tigre Bailando The path from Wayfinder to the work our alumni do in their respective creative fields can often be an easy one to see. The connections […]

Max Friedlich

Finding Confidence With Max Friedlich For this week’s entry into our Where Are They Now series I had the opportunity to talk with Max Friedlich, yet another creative type who […]

Molly Ostertag

Where Are They Now: Molly Ostertag Molly was a joy to interview. She moved from upstate New York to LA just over a year ago, where she is a full […]

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Life Lessons with Brennan Lee Mulligan This week’s Where Are They Now features another Wayfinder alum who finds themselves immersed in a creative life in the world. We sat down […]

Trust in Adventure Gaming

Trust in Adventure Gaming Obviously deep, intensely emotional, trusting relationships exist outside of LARP communities. The point here isn’t to claim that Wayfinder has some unique ability to provide participants […]

Jenna Bergstraesser

Finding a Home with Jenna Bergstraesser Being structured around an adventure game Wayfinder naturally provides skills that lend themselves to a wide variety of creative pursuits. In the last Where […]