Work with us

Event Positions & Job Responsibilities

The following positions may not be available for all summer camp offerings. Specialty summer camps may have different requirements for hire. These requirements will be communicated during the hiring process.



  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work. Check in with office regarding administrative tasks.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Participate in registration at direction of Administration.
  • Participate in bunk assignments with Event Director and Office.
  • Schedule counselors for wake up and late night duties. Two counselors should be assigned to each; schedule is at discretion of Head Counselor and Event Director.
  • Keep open communication with Event Director about the general wellness of the event.
  • Work with Medical Wellness to ensure the overall well-being and safety of all.
  • Be prepared to mentor, supervise and evaluate Apprentices and/or Counselors and/or Community Leaders during the event.
  • Perform all Counselor duties (see below).
  • Be prepared to take part in the live action role play Adventure Game.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.
  • Schedule and run Counselor meetings in coordination with Event Director.
  • Complete other tasks at discretion of Event Director.


  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for the first Staff Meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Be prepared to support workshops.
  • Each counselor will be assigned to a bunk and should be prepared to monitor the wellness of participants residing in that bunk.
  • Responsible for late night and wake up duties
  • Encourage camp spirit through participation and enthusiasm.
  • Be prepared to take part in the live action role play Adventure Game.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.


  • Coordinate with Office for event specifics such as times, dates, personnel, emergency information, on-site contacts, or any other specific piece of information needed.
  • Create a schedule for the event, filling workshops with the appropriate teachers. Provide this schedule to staff as soon as possible, but no later than 2 days before the event.
  • Plan a time for an opening Staff Meeting the day of the event. Communicate to all staff and Apprentices the time and location.
  • Coordinate a load in and load out time with production heads. Communicate to all staff and Apprentices times and locations for load ins and load outs.
  • Arrive to load in and load out location ahead of staff and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first Staff Meeting.
  • Be prepared to be the communication hub for the event and all persons involved: staff, participants, land contacts, parents, etc.
  • Check in with all staff members regularly during the event. Make sure that the LARP Adventure Game is progressing in a timely and organized fashion.
  • Coordinate with Head Counselor around wake up and late night.
  • Be prepared to teach workshops.
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to mentor, supervise, and evaluate Apprentices during the event.
  • Be prepared to take part in the live action role play Adventure Game.
  • Be prepared to take responsibility for handling any unexpected developments.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.


  • Communicate to Event Director any schedule requests.
  • Contact the Story Board with questions and concerns.
  • If possible, provide all staff with story background, flows and character sheets before the event.
  • Send production lists to the heads of the specific departments in advance of the event.
  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Arrive to the event with all story elements ready- flow sheets, character sheets, etc. Little preparation should occur at the event itself.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director. Provide the Event Director with an SPC Meeting schedule.
  • Provide a linear and organized story experience, from introduction to SPC meetings to character development.
  • Keep in touch with all department heads and make issues and requests known immediately.
  • Be prepared to teach workshops.
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to mentor, supervise and evaluate a Apprentices during the event.
  • Be prepared to take part in the live action role play Adventure Game.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Get in touch with the Event Director for schedules and workshops.
    • Prepare any workshops for which you are responsible.
    • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
    • Arrive to the event in time for the first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
    • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
    • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
    • Be prepared to mentor, supervise, and evaluate Apprentices during the event.
    • Be prepared to take part in the LARP Adventure Game.
    • Be prepared to teach during unexpected blocks.
    • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Receive production lists from Story as soon as possible before the event. Contact necessary persons for coordination of special costuming, patterns, etc.
    • Coordinate a load in and load out time with Event Director.
    • Arrive to load in and load out locations early the day of the event or the day before the event to organize the following items to be taken to the event:
      • All costumes
      • Belts
      • Prosthetics and wigs
      • Jewelry
      • Furs, hats, masks, gloves, headpieces
      • Makeup
    • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
    • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
    • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
    • Be prepared to teach workshops.
    • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
    • Be prepared to mentor, supervise and evaluate Apprentices during the event.
    • Be prepared to take part in the LARP Adventure Game.
    • Sign out and sign in all costumes & accessories in use for the game.
    • Ensure that all costumes & accessories are returned in an acceptable condition and washed if necessary.
    • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Receive production lists from Story as soon as possible before the event. Contact necessary persons for coordination of special items, materials, etc.
    • Coordinate a load in and load out time with Event Director.
    • Arrive to load in and load out locations early the day of the event or the day before the event to organize items the following items to be taken to the event:
      • Set materials requested by Story
      • All props requested by Story
      • Decorating material
      • Tiki torches and other set light sources
    • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
    • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
    • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
    • Be prepared to teach workshops.
    • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
    • Be prepared to mentor, supervise, and evaluate Apprentices during the event.
    • Be prepared to take part in the LARP Adventure Game.
    • Return all materials taken in an orderly fashion and up to the standards of the Office.
    • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Receive production lists from Story as soon as possible before the event. Contact necessary persons for coordination of special items, materials, etc.
    • Coordinate a load in and load out time with Event Director.
    • Arrive to load in and load out locations early the day of the event or the day before the event to organize the following items to be taken to the event:
      • Weapons (swords, shields, bow & arrows, spears or any special weapons requested by Story)
      • Magic System (unless Story has specifically instructed that there is no magic system needed)
      • CTF materials, including flags, cones and ropes
      • New Games materials such as balls and discs
      • Pouches
      • Spirit costumes
      • Personal light sources
    • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
    • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
    • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
    • Be prepared to teach workshops.
    • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
    • Be prepared to mentor, supervise, and evaluate Apprentices during the event.
    • Be prepared to take part in the live action role play Adventure Game.
    • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.


  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time unless requested by Office to be early.  Be prepared to work. Pack medical equipment, supplies and medical file box.
  • Arrive to the event in time for first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Participate in registration to receive all medications and special instructions from parents and to assist with lice checks and general health checks.
  • Speak with Event Director and Head Counselor about any medical issues.
  • Work with the Head Counselor to ensure the overall well-being and safety of all.
  • Responsible for upkeep and administration of all medications and first aid supplies.
  • Responsible for in-game wellness packs where they apply (whistles, lights, etc.).
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to take part in the LARP Adventure Game as much as wellness responsibilities allow.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.


  • Arrive to load in and load out location on time and prepared to work.
  • Arrive to the event in time for the first staff meeting. You are responsible for knowing when and where this meeting occurs.
  • Become familiar with and follow the schedule accordingly. Bring up any concerns with the Event Director.
  • Be prepared to teach workshops.
  • Be prepared to perform all camp counselor duties: night check-in, participant bonding, clean up, etc.
  • Be prepared to help in any and all aspects of the camp: production, wellness, story, flow management or teaching.
  • Be prepared to take part in the LARP Adventure Game.
  • Adhere to the WFE Rules and Responsibilities during all times of the event.

Wayfinder Apprentice Program

The Wayfinder Apprentice program is a way for the younger members of our community to learn the core skills that not only allow people to work at the Wayfinder Experience, but have allowed so many of our alumni to go on to successful careers in positions from Website Developer to published Graphic Novelist. Apprentices must apply using the application below in order to be considered for a position. Deadlines will be posted specific to the event. We look for Apprentices who not only show potential and interest in the skills that we are able to develop, but also people who will be a good influence on the community, are ready to be role models for younger participants, and bring a positive attitude to the work environment. If you think that you might be a good fit, send us an application today!

A Community Leader (CL) is a member of the Wayfinder Experience community who is not yet old enough to work at camp but is invested in building a fun, safe camp environment. CLs must fill out an application and return it to the WFE office by the stated deadline to be considered. The WFE will consider applicants based on contribution to the community, financial situation and event need. CLs must contribute positively to the community by fully and willingly participating in workshops, following camp guidelines and providing a good example for other campers.


  • Eligibility for Apprenticeships begins at age 15 for day camps and 16 for overnight camps.
  • An applicant should have attended at least two official Wayfinder Experience events, preferably week-long summer camps.
  • Prospective Apprentices may apply in any or all of the following Departments for an event: Costuming, Sets & Props, Game System, Story, Theater, Play. Wayfinder Experience will place the applicant in a department based on availability and event needs.
  • Overnight Apprentices must register for the events which they are working. Day Camp Apprentices do not have to register.
  • Apprentices are legally considered campers and must follow all camper procedures and requirements.
  • Apprentices will coordinate directly with the head of their department to receive assignments and ask any questions they may have. The Department Head will be responsible for leading the Apprentice through a training program.
  • Any difficulties felt by either the Apprentice or the Department Head in terms of their working relationship should be directed to the Event Director, Programming Director or the Committee for Community Concerns to be dealt with accordingly.
  • Apprentices will be evaluated at the end of the event by their immediate supervisor.
  • We want to push Apprentices to learn a variety of skills. As such you will be expected to work in multiple departments during your time as an Apprentice.
  • An Apprentice should expect to be in the position of Apprentice for a minimum of two years before becoming eligible to be a paid staff member. If an Apprentice shows exemplary mastery and potential in all aspects of camp, they may become eligible for a staff position sooner.
  • Anyone is eligible to become a staff member at 18 years of age.
  • WFE is under no obligation to hire any Apprentice into a paid staff position or to renew an Apprenticeship.
  • WFE reserves the right to make any staffing changes necessary for the betterment of The Wayfinder Experience.


  • Eligibility for CLs begins at age 15.
  • CLs receive a discount of $50 off the price of the event where serving as a CL.
  • CLs are legally considered campers and must follow all camper procedures and requirements.
  • CLs must support the community through participating in workshops, clean up and participant bonding.
  • WFE is under no obligation to hire any CL into a paid position or to renew a term of CLdom.

Staff and Apprentice Applications

The Wayfinder Apprentice program is a way for the younger members of our community to learn the core skills that not only allow people to work at the Wayfinder Experience, but have allowed so many of our alumni to go on to successful careers in positions from Website Developer to published Graphic Novelist. Apprentices must apply using the application below in order to be considered for a position. Deadlines will be posted specific to the event. We look for Apprentices who not only show potential and interest in the skills that we are able to develop, but also people who will be a good influence on the community, are ready to be role models for younger participants, and bring a positive attitude to the work environment. If you think that you might be a good fit, send us an application today! Please read instructions below.

Only Applications submitted through the link on this page will be considered!

Applications for Summer 2025 will be available early 2025.

Age Requirements:

  • Apprentice applicants must be 16+ for all overnight events; 15+ for day camps.
  • Staff applicants must be 18+ for day camps and for overnight camps.


  • All applications must be submitted online. Click the “Apply Today!” button below.
  • Overnight Summer Camp Apprentices must register and will receive a discount on registration for the camp(s) they will be working.  We urge those applying to be apprentices to register for the camp(s) you hope to work at.  If you are not hired and do not wish to attend as a camper, the deposit will be refunded.
  • Summer Day Camp apprentices do not need to register for the camp(s) they will be working
  • Send questions about applications to: staffing@wayfinderexperience.com

Equal Opportunity Statement

It is the policy of the Wayfinder Experience, Inc. to provide for and promote equal employment opportunity in employment, compensation, and other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination on the basis of age, race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, military statues, marital statues, or genetic predisposition or carrier status. It is the policy of the Wayfinder Experience, Inc. to provide qualified persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in and receive the benefits, services, programs, and activities of the Wayfinder Experience, Inc., and to provide such persons reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications as are necessary, to enjoy such equal opportunity, including accommodations in the examination process. Further, it is the policy of the Wayfinder Experience, Inc. to provide reasonable accommodation for religious observance.

Stewardship Expectations

The Wayfinder Apprentice program is a way for the younger members of our community to learn the core skills that not only allow people to work at the Wayfinder Experience, but have allowed so many of our alumni to go on to successful careers in positions from Website Developer to published Graphic Novelist. Apprentices must apply using the application below in order to be considered for a position. Deadlines will be posted specific to the event. We look for Apprentices who not only show potential and interest in the skills that we are able to develop, but also people who will be a good influence on the community, are ready to be role models for younger participants, and bring a positive attitude to the work environment. If you think that you might be a good fit, send us an application today!

As a community, we place a premium on teaching our campers the essentials of community building. Within that is the need for active community stewardship from our older and more experienced campers. With a mixed age range of campers, younger campers tend to look up to older community members for guidance on how to behave, whether or not those community members are working at camp or simply attending. We seek to empower our older campers to take on an active role in community leadership with this in mind, and in doing so hope to offer guidance to all of our campers on how to build the kind of intentional community that we have held for so long allowing our campers to feel safe and connected within the camp environment.

This kind of community stewardship can take many forms, but some places where our campers can always help out:

  • Gently reminding other campers to give staff their focus during workshop and making sure to give one’s own focus
  • Actively participating in workshops
  • Welcoming new campers in
  • Helping out with cleaning
  • Ensuring that all campers feel comfortable in social situations
  • Helping newer campers to understand our game systems and programming that they may be struggling with
  • Letting staff know of any issues or concerns that you may notice