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What People Are Saying

Learn more about what people have to say about The Wayfinder Experience and Our Partners List by using the quick links below!

What Parents Say About Us

Parent Testimonials

“As a teacher of writing, it’s thrilling to see kids involved in the art of narrative. As a parent, it’s great to see kids find a place to work out deeper issues of the psyche…Through this process, a great sense of self-esteem and confidence in kids seems to emerge…they meet new peers, forge new friendships…learn to work together. The Wayfinder Staff…brings a unique strength and eclectic talent…as a group they maintain an amazing clarity of vision: being a part of a team that helps create something magic for our children, that encourages this incredible community…the staff absolutely and completely respects each kid for whom he/she really is. They really give the kids the responsibility to make choices; they honor each child’s individuality.”

– A.W. Langley, Parent

“My son has been captivated by Wayfinder; by the sheer potential for creative expression, by the intelligence and rich complexity of the stories, by the joy of losing himself in character, and by the broad sweep of personalities participating. Mind you, he is a cynical kid, not given to spontaneous creative expression. He fell in love with the inclusiveness and expressive spirit of everyone involved in Wayfinder events.”

– Julianna Targan, Parent

“Thank you (Wayfinder) for the magic you add to people’s lives and for nourishing and encouraging active imaginations!”

– Tanya Jurcic, Parent

“I must say my son…had a life-altering experience with Wayfinder. I am not saying that lightly. He was really affected by the activities…and I thank you.”

– Andrea Kretchmer, Parent

“It’s difficult to do written justice to the way that Wayfinder has changed his life. When he first started going, he was a bundle of pent up loneliness and anxiety–neurodiverse, dealing with divorce, being bullied at school, and no friends to speak of. And then, suddenly, foam sword in hand, he found a way to connect with other people and exorcise his feelings through the language of imagination and play.”
– Anonymous, Parent


What Kids Say About Us


Kid Testimonials

Lowell, age 8: “The most fun I’ve ever had!”

Bill, age 15: “The camp, or experience, rather, teaches love, repect, adoration of peers, and allows for a positive environment in which anyone and everyone can feel free to be themselves, without inhibition, at all times.”

Garrett, age 12: “The Wayfinder community are probably the most caring, nonjudgmental, and interesting people I have ever met. This community has helped me mature as a person and for that I am forever grateful.”

Rene, age 11: “People here make me feel special.”

Jesse, age 16: “The Wayfinder Experience is by far the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. In less than two weeks I have made friends that I will have for the rest of my life… Trust me. Going will be the best decision of your life.”

Cutler, age 15: “Thank you to everyone from Wayfinder, whether it be a camper or counselor. The week I spent at Immersion camp 2016 was amazing, in and out of game I got to make amazing friends and was really able to connect with everyone. Everyone’s comradery and friendship was inspiring and hopeful to me. I absolutely hope I can come back next summer. Thank you guys for that one-of-a-kind love that only, from what I believe, this camp can bring.”

James, age 11: Thursday night before camp ended, “I don’t want to go to bed because when I wake up this will all be over.”

Dan, age 16: “The whole week was great. I wish I was coming back next week, and the week after that, and the week after that!”

Mikko, age 16: “These last 5 days here have made my outlook on life better.”

Lemon: “Just got back from Wayfinder and I am actually crying right now because I had no idea how profound of an impact two weeks could make on my life. I have never found a community more innately accepting and kind and supportive of all who enter it.”

Gaby, age 11: “You start to lose your imagination after a while. You can come here to get it back. Its almost like one huge kind of family.”


Educator Testimonials

“My boys’ aggressive interests are met with respect and then channeled into creative conflict negotiation, a deeper understanding of their own natures… and a healthy understanding of ‘true warriorship’ … kids really understand this, love it and want to participate year after year.”

– Elizabeth Lesser, Co-Founder of the Omega Institute

“The moment The Wayfinders arrived at the town park, it was as if a spell as thick as the summer haze was cast over the children. This magical transformation was instantaneous and did not break even as Lyra, Mary Poppins, Professor Snape, Bilbo Baggins, Winnie the Pooh and Susan Pevensie wished us well and found their way back into reality. The literary scavenger hunt incorporated a little bit of story-telling, a little bit of role playing, and a whole lot of fun. Even the counselors and adults were taken into the magic that this cast of characters delivered straight from their books.”

– Caitlyn Decker, Head of the Hurley Rec Program, about our Literary Advenutres

“I see this (Wayfinder) experience for our teens as much more than ‘the most awesome thing ever’; I see it as an opportunity for them to gain the experiences that later will allow them to join that 4% of people who… can go on to do spiritual work. I see it as an opportunity for them to have a practical experience of who they really are.”

– Jane Martin, Member of the Princeton-Waldorf Parent Council

“Kristen Diedhiou’s Grade 5 class at J. Watson Bailey Middle School was transported into a world of pure creativity this March. The students had spent time dreaming up their very own mythology to bring to life through an interactive role-playing experience! When students arrived at their class, their classroom had been transformed into a magical island in peril–its power being drained by an evil wizard! That’s when the festivities began. The Queen of Magic herself appeared, making a thunderous entrance.She helped guide the students to use the magic of teamwork to break the wizard’s spell. What followed was a journey through imagination and problem-solving. The class split into character roles they had envisioned, donning homemade costumes and props. Their unique story and universe unfolded through improvisation and quick thinking. Riddles were solved, mythical beings came to life, and the evil wizard’s nefarious plans were eventually thwarted – all through the incredible ingenuity of these young myth masters. It was an epic adventure that had jaws dropping with every twist and turn. The teachers were pivotal in bringing this engaging lesson to life!”
– Teacher at J. Watson Bailey Middle School, Kingston NY

What The Press Says About Us

Ulster Magazine

Kingston Radio

Hudson Valley Magazine’s Women in Business 2016 honorees

Wayfinder’s Partner List

We’ve had the privilege to work with a large number of public and private schools, institutions and local businesses. Here is a list of those locations with links to their respective websites.