Wayfinder’s Adult Retreat

This retreat is open to anyone 18 years or older. A perfect get-away for old campers, parents and first-time friends of the community. Experience the magic of live action role playing in a mature environment! This is a fun and inclusive retreat. We will spend time doing a number of different workshops, such as improvisational theater, sword fighting (with our special foam swords) and New Games to build trust with each other before we play our LARP Adventure Game where you will be in control of your character’s destiny.
April 25th-27th, 2025 at the Stone Mountain Farm in New Paltz, NY.
Book you’re lodging separately!
Programming hours:
- Programming will start at 6pm on 4/25 and go until 9:30pm
- Programming will start at 10am on 4/26 and go until roughly 10:30pm. Lunch and Dinner will be provided on site
- Programming will start at 10am on 4/27 and go until 3pm. Lunch will be provided
Retreat Programing pricing:
- $250 – Sponsored rate
- $350 – Suggested rate
- $450 – Sponsor rate
Sign up here.
As ever, we want to do our best to make our programming accessible. If you feel you are able to, we encourage you to pay the sponsor rate and contribute to the cost of attendance for some of our folks who may not be as able to do so. Sponsored rate is available on a need basis; there is no application process. If you need it, take it; no questions asked.
Teaser for Different Circles
A quiet night, that’s how they liked it. Nothing to distract them. Nothing to pull their attention away from the job. There was a lot riding on this mission, and their Maven was counting on them to pass this test. The stolen cash wouldn’t hurt in making amends with their Ringleader, either. They hadn’t meant to burn down the safehouse, but sometimes the strands just don’t want to weave. They want to go sideways and no matter how hard you pull they fray and explode. They explode big time.
It was the night after their Adept test, which they failed, clearly. And now, not only did they have to test again, they had to make up for the damage they’d done first.
This wasn’t their first time breaking into a billionaire’s house, and it wouldn’t be their last. They just needed to find a code. A code they knew lay written down on a scrap of paper in the top right desk drawer, but these wards! Whoever had placed them knew what they were doing, and removing them promised to be an Adept level test on its own. “Just take it one strand at a time, and don’t force it,” they told themselves.
They had been with the Rosy Rings for as long as they could remember, one of the few children of Magicians who grew up in the life. Everyone expected them to be perfect, better than those who had to find these niche pockets of society all on their own. But what the people who think that didn’t understand, what they would never understand, was that growing up around magic did the opposite. They didn’t have a traumatic first encounter with magic. They didn’t have years of doubt from everyone around them. The shell that everyone developed growing up outside of this life, insiders were missing that.“If anything people should expect wayyyy less of me” they thought.
With one move twist of the wrist- there, at last, all the golden strings released and a gentle tug made them fall to the ground and disappear in an instant. Just like that the weave was undone. They didn’t even need to go inside, they just needed to cast their scrying spell. They took a deep breath and held it. They focused on the inside of the drawer and projected their mind into the mansion, to the second floor, third door on the right. Imagining their ghostly head planting into the drawer -they saw it- the code! Good thing they had a photographic memory because an alarm started sounding- ack, these people! Of course there was a failsafe in the ward. Time to go. Returning to their body, they walked through a portal their Maven had made them, disappearing without a trace.