David Volante
Wayfinder has a long history, running its first event in December 2001. Over the years many amazing people have been involved in contributing to the space, helping to shape the camp we have today. Many have gone on to do other amazing things out in the world, one of those people is David Volante, or as I met him, Panda. David is the man behind Volante Design, an innovative hand made clothing company that brings video game, fantasy and comic book-inspired fashion to life.
David was a regular at camp from its inception to 2006. Since he was already 15 when Wafinder incorporated, he attended camp and then ended up volunteering to play any Adventure Games he could. Panda’s way into characters was always through costumes. “ I’ve always designed characters for as long as I can remember. And Wayfinder was an opportunity for me to take those ideas and make them something physical.” Though David made these costumes for himself at first, there were times when WFE hired him to make “costumes for key characters in certain games.”
He is one of the two people behind our infamous Veils weekend series where players were in character for a full 36 hours. “I mostly worked on the production side of that, making a ridiculous amount of costumes for it.” The first Veils was such a hit, they did a second one where Panda went deeper into creating. “We built a bunch of monster costumes. We built a scorpion costume that was part of a recumbent three wheel bicycle. That is already the triangle shape of a scorpion, so we just made a tail on it, and then we had these giant claws on the front. It was designed in such a way that you could take the tail off and wear it as a backpack. The person who was playing the scorpion was able to ride around on this bike and be a giant scorpion, and then transform into their humanoid form. It was really fun.”
Like many of us, running a business is not what David set out to do, but life had other plans, so he just ‘went with the flow’. “I went to college for animation, so I wasn’t planning on getting into fashion or having a clothing design company or anything like that. I thought, ‘Where did this come from?’” He goes on to say that he ran into a Wafinder founding member at a convention, which was where Volante got its start. “I was like, this is it, ‘isn’t this crazy? Who would have guessed that I would have had a fashion company like this?’ And he’s like, ‘I would have guessed that you had a fashion company like this; it makes sense 100%.’ And I realized, ‘Oh, it does make sense 100%.’ I had thought it was sort of completely out of the blue. I hadn’t made the connection that everything that I did at Wayfinder tied directly into what my professional career ended up being”
Even the way David designs the clothes is tied into LARP experiences. “I think about the utility when thinking about the costume, not in terms of what a character should look like or whether or not that’s cool looking, but also in terms of ‘I’m gonna have to carry stuff, I’m gonna have to carry my sword, I’m gonna have to carry a bunch of magic bolts or whatever other bits of stuff that I need to make my character be able to do things he’s supposed to do.” Volante, in order to make their designs, needed to get licenses from the different intellectual properties that inspired them, “It allows me to take the character design that I’m inspired by and translate it into something that is intended for daily use.” But the process of getting those licenses isn’t easy, in part because it is “different every time. We contacted PlayStation two years before we got the license. We talked to them, and they were like, ‘this is really cool, but you need to have a portfolio of other licenses before you can work with PlayStation.’”
“What we ended up doing was pursuing much smaller licenses. With the intent that these tiny licenses will build up a portfolio.” Now they have quite the list of partners. “We’ve done a bunch of licenses over the last six years or so. We’ve worked with PlayStation, Star Trek, Devil May Cry and more” But the one that he wishes to get, “I’d loved to work with Destiny. The Witcher and Cyberpunk would be awesome too”
The entrepreneurial spirit was always within David, a graduate of Hampshire College, where he LARPed and ran programs on campus every week for four years. He would get people to join in the fun the same way he gets people to try on his clothes at conventions. “I’d just hand this sword to them and they’d be like, ‘Sure, I’ll take that sword. Why not, right?’ And then I’d fight them.” Whereas at conventions he will “size them up and just pull something off the rack and hand it to them. My ideal, like my best sales tactic, is not to say a word.” It is an offer to play, a way to say you are allowed to try this on, in fact I encourage you too.
After finishing his final project at Hampshire, he realized animation was not for him. “I was animating about 12 hours a day for six months. And I got to the end and I had a three and a half minute short film for it, but as soon as I finished it, I was like, boy, do I not wanna do that for the rest of my life.” Low on cash and in need of clothes, he started making cool things for himself that made him feel like a “ fantasy character, which was a really awesome feeling “ and he thought “I can bring this into my daily life.” Then his friends started asking if he could make them these cool clothes and he realized this really could pay the bills. He realized it was a great way to bring something you love with you. When playing a video game we become very connected to them, David would think ”I love this character and I really identify with them, and I feel really awesome when I’m playing them. But then I turn off the game and get up, and it’s back to my normal life. But to be able to bring just a little bit of that with you in the way that you are dressed, it’s kind of life changing.”
At the heart of Volante Design is empowerment, just like Wayfinder. LARPing gives us chances to do things that we might never do in our real lives. “I feel like most people at some point while at Wayfinder get this feeling of ‘yeah, I was a badass, I was in a fight and I had a sword.’ Most people don’t have the opportunity to feel badass.” But with David’s clothes they do. There is one moment in a Wayfinder Adventure Game that David recalls as very particularly badass. It was in a game called Secret Worlds where players could be any character from any fictional world. “I was Kohaku from “Spirited Away”. I made myself a cool costume, and a second dragon costume was carried in a backpack so I could transform.” For those who are unfamiliar with Spirited Away, Kohaku is a river dragon who can turn into a boy. David was on his way to the final battle and there was a line of people walking a small piece of land between two bodies of water “I wanted to head off the group and protect them, because that felt in character. But I was behind the group and I wanted to get in front, so I transformed into a dragon (which no one had seen yet) with this long white tail trailing and I sprinted and I went around the group and through the water, but my shoes didn’t get wet!” Afterwards, Brennan (check out our blog posts about him) had noted the same thing. “He was like, ‘you ran on water’ and I was like, ‘that’s very cool. But he was like, ‘dude, for real, that was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen because you actually ran on water around us.”
We are so grateful that Panda took the time to meet with us, and let us know how his life changed over the years. It’s amazing how having the space and time to just do what you are naturally drawn to and a chance to feel like a badass can empower people to make all kinds of magic out in the “real” world. Despite being busy with a family and a business, he still finds time for new video games for inspiration. This is someone who loves his work. “My business truly brings me joy.”
Written by Trine Boode-Petersen March 2025 from an interview in 2024